There's a sport I've become quite accustomed to this summer:

Its called golf. I've always liked it, but I've never cared about it enough (or practiced enough) to get good at it. This summer I decided it was time.
This is what I like most about this sport:
1. The landscape. So peaceful. So relaxing. So perfect after a long day of work.
2. Spending time with Dad.. and occasionally Tay. And learning from both of their skills.
3. Getting a farmer tan, and a sock tan. And wearing baseball caps for the first time in my life.
4. Not having to keep score. I refuse to keep score until my score is work keeping.
5. One day I will be so terrible, and the next day I will drive straight onto the greens (from par 3's of course)
6. The fact (or hope) that some day, I will get to design a golf course of my very own--being a Landscape Architecture major has its benefits.
Here is a short video of my swing. I'm still working on it. Also, I think that all the self confidence I have acquired throughout my life has come from Dad's (kind, but not necessarily truthful) compliments. Listen to what he says at the end of this clip.
he he. That's all!