Clarksville, TN...October-November 2010
"I was so sad when President Hutchings called and said I'd be leaving Murray. He told me I'd be white-washing into Clarksville, which I was a little nervous about. Since transfers, however, I have barely even stopped to think about Murray-we've been so overwhelmed! I'm with Sister Turner, who is really cool, and neither of us know a thing about Clarksville! We are relying on the members of the church a lot so far because we have no car, and don't know where anything is. The past few days here have been fun, but stressful.
"Sunday night was a lot of fun. Gladys Knight came and put on a fireside for our mission and we got to go see it! Gladys directs a choir called Saints Unified Voices, which is basically a bunch of Mormons of all ethnicities singing in a southern gospel style. It was different than what we're used to, but she helped show that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is for everyone. She also invited everyone in the audience to meet with the Mormon missionaries! I loved it.
"We found someone golden! Her name is Kim, and the way we met her was really cool. She was having a yard sale and we were talking to her neighbors for a long time, but Kim was ignoring us. We gave her neighbors a Book of Mormon and continued on our way, but soon realized we'd left our map back on the table at the yard sale. When we went back she was much more friendly, and when we gave her a Book of Mormon she said she'd read it. Since we met her we've gone back a few times and each time we teach her she seems more and more prepared for the gospel. She tells us she's been in and out of churches her whole life..searching for truth. She still hasn't found what she's looking for. After everything we've taught her so far she nods her head and says that she agrees!
"Tonight we team-taught a couple with the elders. Tracy has been meeting with the missionaries for a few weeks and has a baptismal date, but tonight was the first time Steve has been officially taught. After the lesson we asked Steve if he would like to be baptized with Tracy and he said that he would! The spirit was so strong and they were both smiling from ear to ear. They are an awesome couple, I am so thankful I get to help teach them. Their kids are so cute too, which is always a bonus. We are planning their wedding and baptism right now, but unfortunately Sister Turner and I found out we will both be transferred before that day comes! Neither of us expected that call, and neither of us wants to leave, but I suppose we'll go where the Lord wants us to go."