Last week I wrote about strength; about staying strong despite opposition. Opposition is something I have been thinking a lot about lately, and I have been finding a lot about it in my studies. If there is only one loving Godhead, "One Lord, one faith, one baptism" (Ephesians 4:5) and only one way to eternal salvation and happiness, then why does there have to be so much darkness in the world? Why aren't people running after every LDS missionary they see saying, "Hey! Will you teach me God's plan of happiness and what I need to do to live with Him again?"
If only missionary work was that easy. But, the reality is that most people we talk to do not recognize the value of our message. The ones who do come to recognize the value of our message do not usually come to that recognition quickly or easily; it takes study, prayer, and devotion.
So why isn't it easy? Why does there have to be opposition? Well, the answer can be found in 2 Nephi 2:15&27. There must be opposition in all things, "forbidden fruit in opposition to the tree of life; the one being sweet and the other bitter." Life is full of opposites: light versus dark, good versus evil. Men are according to the flesh; we can either choose Christ, or we can choose His opponent. Ho do we know the difference? Moroni 7:13. Everything good comes from God.
Every prophet has faced opposition and been persecuted. Christ, our perfect example and Savior, was persecuted more than anyone who has ever lived. Of course Christ's church and gospel faces opposition today! The reassuring thing, however, is that good always triumphs over evil. God is what will bring true and everlasting happiness.
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