There's a phrase we hear a lot in gospel context: endure to the end. Before my mission I spent a significant amount of time running. I did not always like to run, but the more I did it the more I liked it. As my sisters and I were training for the state capital half marathon last May, I learned a lot about enduring to the end. My sister Emily is a very dedicated runner. She understands the importance of daily conditioning and strengthening better than I do, and because of her dedication she passes me up every time. Even when she has shin splints and back aches she can't be slowed down. When we ran the race, she was miles ahead. My sister Annie and I stuck together most of the time. I was thankful to have her at my side as we trained and as we ran the first 12 miles of that race. When we got nearer to the 13 mile marker, however, Annie started to speed up. My legs were aching like crazy and my ankles felt like they might break, so I panicked when Annie quickened her pace. She made me realize that I could not give up during that last stretch after we had worked so hard to get where we were. Annie sprinted that last mile to the finish line, and I did my very best to keep up with her. Even though every part of me ached, I still remember that incredible feeling as I crossed the finish line and joined my awesome sisters. Every bit of conditioning and training, every ache and pain was worth it.
As a latter day saint, I do not believe the "once saved, always saved" philosophy that many people believe in today. I believe that being a Christian is a lifestyle. It is not a single event, or one spiritual experience that makes us who we are. It is not just going to church once a week that makes us who we are. Rather, it is the things we do every single day that strengthen our faith and shape the people we are becoming. Studying scriptures, praying constantly, trusting God and serving others are all aspects of enduring to the end. Sometimes this process can seem a little intimidating, overwhelming, or maybe even excruciating, but in the end I know it will be worth it.
"I would hat ye should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption. Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him, and continue in fasting and praying, and endure to the end, and as the Lord liveth ye will be saved." -Omni 1:26
Oh I remember that day well. I'm glad my girls are such good runners - you certainly did not get that from me. The reminder of endurance is an important one. There are so many ways we must endure - including enduring to the end.