Aug 25, 2009

Logan, UT

One of my favorite places I've ever lived. 

Ok, I've only lived in three different places in my twenty years.  But this is definitely one of my favorites.  I'm back in Logan, and loving it! If there is a lack of posts it is because I have friends again, I have assignments again, I have a life again! haha

Aug 9, 2009

thank you alaska

for showing me your waterfalls...
and rivers...
and flowers...
and glaciers...

for taking my breath away at the top of the tram...

for letting me hike and frisbee golf in your forest...

for letting me fish for salmon (or sometimes just watch the guys fish)...

for letting me play with this little guy..

each time I come visit. 

But most especially for letting me spend time with my brother Ben and his wife, Michelle.   I love you guys so so much. You are in my thoughts and prayers... always.

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