Sep 6, 2009

Angel Tree

"This... is my favorite tree.  And I like trees." -Claire from Elizabethtown

The Angel Tree on John's Island, South Carolina, is my favorite tree.  And I like trees.  This oak tree is over 1400 years old, the oldest living thing east of the Rockies.  I've been keeping its picture selfishly on my desktop background, and I decided it was time to share. If you ever happen to be in this area of the country,  I advise you to go see it!  It's even more amazing in person. 


  1. Liz, it is such a big deal for you to have a favorite tree. I hope to see it someday in person.

  2. Who's the weird guy underneath the tree looking up?

  3. that is a pretty amazing tree, I'll admit.


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