Apr 19, 2010

simply wonderful

I never knew I was such a fan of limeade.
Until I tried this.
Oh. My. Gosh. I guess I should have known that the manufacturers of my favorite orange juice could also produce a perfect lime creation. Its so simple. But so wonderful. And so is Brock for continuously providing it for me.

Try it. You'll love it. This is my promise to you.


  1. have you tried their lemonade?? I like it even more... especially in the summer... and bring pregnant. best drink ever!

  2. I've had it, and it is amazing. Brock is keeping you stocked? Sounds like he is good to you.

    Meet in SLC soon? Next weekend?

  3. ahhh i'm going to have to try this. i LIVE off of lemonade/rasberry lemonade/pink lemonade (and now limeade) during the summertime.

    and ps. this summer i think i shall live off of dizzy lizzies with youtoo! i say we go get them sometime, and then you take me to sliding rock! and then i will take you to ruths diner! these are musts that we have always talked about, but haven't gotten around to yet. sound like a plan stan? haha


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