Jan 17, 2010

tomorrow, tomorrow

Will the sun please come out tomorrow? Or will it please snow tomorrow so I can go snowboarding? Please Logan? Please life? This is all I ask for.


  1. Haha.
    What do you want!? Sun or snow?
    Be specific Lizzie :)

  2. I want sun AND snow! haha I just can't handle any more gloomy grey polluted skies and crusty ice that won't melt.

  3. i see you got right back into blogging as well!

  4. Well...you got it! It snowed AND then was sunny the rest of the day!! Thanks for blogging, I think that you brought this beautiful day upon us! Love ya!

  5. LIZ!! I've been waiting for you to update your blog for a month now!! But I totally know how you feel. I want snow so bad right now. I miss it so much! :( Love you!


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