Mar 7, 2010

as if nothing had changed

"No matter how long I was away, no matter how great the distance, whenever my friends and I met again, it was as if nothing had changed. We picked up our lives where we left off, and it was as if time had stood still."

-Elder Ronald Rasband

I heard this quote tonight and of course, it made me think of this..

That really is how it feels every time we get back together.

I will always love you Mands, Beccs, Chrissy, Dan, Madds, Heath, Laur, Stina, Katie, Tia, Stace, Bry, Rach, and Las :)

And I hope it will be that way with these ladies when we're no longer together..

my friends are pretty great


  1. ohh!!! Love you lizzy and can't wait for you to come home!!!

  2. Yes. And I can't wait until we can all do that again. I'll be home in May.... :)

  3. Your friends are great. Me being the chief. :) jk. I miss you - and think we are cool like that. Not everyone is as lucky as we are.


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