"If by a still, small voice he calls to paths that I do not know, I'll answer dear Lord with my hand in thine: I'll go where you want me to go." Sister Jasper keeps making me listen to these lyrics, reminding me of the attitude every missionary must have! If I did not have this attitude, I would have never experienced this wonderful place, and I would never choose to leave it now. Cookeville is a place I will never forget. Not because of the historic train station or the cute town square or the college campus (even though they are all great) but because of the people I've met here and the miracles I've seen:
-People who treated me like a best friend when I was first a stranger.
-People who give all the money and time they can afford to serve God's children.
-People who open their doors to provide food and shelter to those less fortunate at any moment of any day.
-People who have enough faith to do what God asks even when the path is not easy.
-People who found the strength from God to overcome powerful addictions.
-People who prayed for the first time in years to know if God was really there, and then had us find them just moments later.
-People who were confused and frustrated by all religions until God sent us to explain the truth.
-People who truly understand the meaning of faith, hope, and charity.
-People who have become my family away from family.
I have come to love the people here so much. God's ways have been made a little clearer to me through these people I've met and the experiences I've had. I have faced some of my greatest challenges and disappointments, but also felt the greatest excitement, joy, and peace through it all. I have learned so much. Thank you, Cookeville (and Burgess Falls Ward). Now, the Lord needs me in Gallatin; so Gallatin is where I shall go!
Great post. I remember well those feelings of leaving those you have grown to love. You will carry those feelings for them the rest of your life. The gospel is the foundation as I'm sure your friends have found. It will bring them and their families more joy and happiness than anything else. Gallatin will be blessed for your upcoming work there!