Mar 19, 2011

finding joy when life gives you heartache

This has possibly been the most painful weekend of my entire mission. Both physically and emotionally.. just painful. Thursday was the first sick day I've taken since I came to Tennessee, due to an illness that kept Sister Larsen and I in our beds all day consuming nothing but Powerade and a few Saltine crackers. My stomach was finally starting to settle Friday morning when I received some heartbreaking news from home, which just brought the pain right back. To top off the weekend, Saturday we got word that Sister Larsen (my best friend for the past four and a half months) will be leaving me on Tuesday. Needless to say, my stomach has demanded that all of my previously mentioned eating habits cease. It has been a trying time.

Despite everything that's been going on in my mind, heart, and stomach however, I have felt a surprising amount of strength and peace beyond my own as I have done my best to hand it all over to my Savior. Times like this always lead me to one article in particular that just seems to ease my soul. This talk is entitled "Finding Joy in Life" by Elder Richard G. Scott, and it has given me a new perspective on understanding and coping with adversity. I would like to share some of my favorite excepts from his talk and how I have tried to apply his advice to my life here.

"You are one of the noblest of God's creations. His intent is that your life be gloriously beautiful regardless of your circumstances. As you are grateful and obedient, you can become all that God intends you to be."

(Enjoying God's beautiful creations in my beloved grandma skirt)

"Men are that they might have joy" (2 Nephi 2:27). Your joy in life depends on your trust in Heavenly Father and His holy Son, your conviction that their plan of happiness truly can bring you joy."
(A rainy day in my favorite part of town)

"Simple, rejuvenating experiences surround us. They can be safety valves to keep the tension down and the spirit up. Don't concentrate on what you don't have or have lost. Find the compensatory blessings in your life when, in the wisdom of the Lord, He deprives you of something you very much want. You will discover compensatory blessings when you willingly accept the will of the Lord and exercise faith in Him."

(Roasting mallows with the wonderful Baker family.. a guaranteed spirit booster!)

"Willing service to others is a key to enduring happiness. President Kimball said: "God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually through another mortal that he meets our needs. Therefore, it is vital that we serve each other."

(I don't know what I would to without these two lovely ladies who do so much for me)

"Challenges are growth experiences, temporary scenes to be played out on the background of a pleasant life. Don't become so absorbed in a single event that you can't think of anything else or care for yourself of for those who depend upon you. Remember, much like the mending of the body, the healing of some spiritual and emotional challenges takes time. The Lord has said, 'Be patient in afflictions, for thou shalt have many; but endure them, for, lo, I am with thee, even unto the end of thy days'" (D&C 24:8).

"You will learn that sadness and disappointment are temporary. Happiness is everlastingly eternal because of Jesus Christ. I solemnly witness that He lives, that He loves you, and that He will help you."

I know this to be true because I am experiencing it!


  1. Lizzy, this post makes me sad! I'm so sorry you've been so sick... and for the sad news (whatever it is... I have a good idea) :(

    I love you sis. Hang in there. You are such an example.


  2. Sister Cosper,
    I am so grateful for this time that we have had to serve the Savior together. I love you!

  3. Wow! Those pictures are amazing! I love aspen and birch trees. :-) I would love to check out Utah and Alaska...I've actually never been to either of those States, so I think I'll add them to my list of places to go!

  4. Lizzie, I loved reading this. I wish I could hug you.

    p.s. I lost the envelope from your letter. Could you send me your address somehow? I have a letter waiting to come to you.


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